
In the midst of a very difficult political situation Central African Republic Aglow was able to donate to a local hospital and found ways to be a blessing in these challenging times.

When the COVID-19 restrictions hit in Burkina Faso the leaders were not deterred. They created a platform on WhatsApp to intercede together every Thursday. Communication by phone is done with chapters in the provinces where the internet connection is unreliable.

In the midst of 2020, Aglow women and men are finding ways to be a blessing to those in need around them. The beautiful women of the African island nation of Madagascar found ways to be generous to women who are very poor.
- Aglow Niger – Women of Endurance
- Aglow DROC - Sowing Seeds of Hope
- Aglow Togo – Great is God’s Faithfulness
- Aglow Malawi – 2020 A Year of Great Harvest
- News from Aglow South Africa
- Aglow Ghana going forward in 2020
- Aglow Central Africa Republic Outreach During COVID-19
- Virtual Aglow Nigeria National Conference
- Gamechanger Group Growing Throughout South Africa
- Aglow Senegal/West Africa Receives Blessing