United States

In August of 1997, Susan Mellen’s life took a drastic turn. Accused and convicted of a crime she did not commit she was sent to prison for 17 years.

Rita Lewis is seeing upgrades, newness, and freshness in women’s lives as she leads GameChanger groups at WWC.

Recently, Connie Algeo invited the SE PA Area Team and a few other Aglow friends who live at the same retirement community to come together to view the sessions from the Convocation.

The Owensboro, KY Lighthouse recently held a baby shower to benefit a local service that provides pregnancy tests and prenatal classes for moms-to-be.

When the Williamsburg, KY Lighthouse noticed that people were not coming to their monthly meetings, they decided to do something different and take the meeting out into the community.

Recently the Clarion, PA Lighthouse joined with the Awaken the Dawn event that took place in 419 towns across America.
Faith Gourley, President, reports that Aglow was involved in many ways from general support, to finding worshippers, to getting the sound system, and making declarations, worshipping, and praying.
Each Awaken the Dawn event took place beneath a tent. The gazebo at the Clarion Veteran's Memorial Park was used as the 'tent'. The sense was that those who have fought to preserve America's freedom were remembered and honored by using the gazebo.
Cathy Caylor, NE Regional Director, participated, too, decreeing that the NE Region is a new wineskin that is daily filled with fresh, new wine as they give God first place in all they do.
Building relationship within the community is a powerful way to bring unity with Churches, businesses, and families.

The Capital Prayer group meets monthly at the Capital for prayer and lunch. One frequent prayer point is for those He has chosen as leaders to awaken to their destiny and to arise and take their rightful place.

In July a team from the Raleigh Aglow Lighthouse got together to pray at an elementary, middle, high school, and a college, symbolizing children of each age group throughout NC.

The Wyoming Aglow Prison Team recently finished showing the LifeChangers DVDs to a group of inmates. The group received real and lasting transformation as a result of going through the DVDs.

In 2018 Rita was struck by a car, knocked down and pinned beneath it. Those who saw the accident told her later that she should have been dead.

They came because of love, one-on-one face-to-face love. Our Lighthouse president had been visiting these girls for many months and pouring Father’s heart into them.

After completing the LifeChangers Workbook, Judy Dubé of Florida wrote a poem to express the incredible transformation she experienced going through the course.

In early August, a team of seven from the Northeast Region traveled to Washington, D.C. for a prayer journey praying, declaring and decreeing scripture everywhere they went.
- Stones of Remembrance: The Red Shoes
- The Opportunity at Hand
- 29 Palms Lighthouse
- Middletown Couples Lighthouse Spreading Grace
- Southwest Coastal Region Event
- Sheridan, WY Fireside Chats
- Time To Be Born Again, Again
- Breathe Life Back Into Where Aglow Once Was
- Healed of Neck Pain
- Healed from Sciatica Pain
- Virginia Mall Prayer Walk
- Know Your Audience