United States

On January 11th, the Stevensville Aglow Lighthouse together with the organization “For All Seasons” co-sponsored an anti-human trafficking workshop at a library on Kent Island, MD to educate people about trafficking on the Eastern Shore.
Read more: Stevensville Aglow Lighthouse Co-Sponsors Anti-Human Trafficking Workshop

Recently Karin Schreurs, was helping to set up a new bank account for a Community Lighthouse which requires a lot of paper work and a great deal of patience. This particular day, the process was going on the two hour mark.

On January 3rd & 4th Aglow Mojave West Area together with the California Department of Children Services hosted the Nola Brantley Speaks course CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children) 102.
Read more: Aglow Mojave West Anti-Human Trafficking Training

In December the Sand Springs Aglow provided a turkey, ham, and “all the fixin’s” dinner for the students of Page Academy, an alternative school in their district.
Read more: Sand Springs Aglow Blesses Page Academy With Christmas Dinner

Dana Enright, North Central U.S. Regional Director, and her team recently returned from a prayer journey to Washington, D.C.

We recently received a testimony from one of the Aglow Prison Ministry team members. The team member writes, “On Wednesdays I take my grandchildren to the grocery store to purchase food items.

Lenda Curtis and her husband, Dean, visited family in N. California for Thanksgiving. While the family lived several miles east of the Paradise Fire, it was obvious how affected the surrounding areas were by the devastating fire.

For the past 3 summers a team from the Alaska South Central Area Team has been going into the Hiland Correctional Center and teaching GameChangers to a group of inmates.

A team of 5 from the Central Region recently returned from a prayer trip to Washington, D.C.

Glenna Remington, President of the South Dakota East River Area Team shared a written testimony from Dianne, a woman who heard about GameChangers last year and pursued attending a local group who was going through the teachings.

“Following our Jubilee Conference last fall, God spoke to me very specifically that our North Georgia Area Team was to gather troops and take back the borders of North Georgia," wrties Carolyn Sisk Williams, North Georgia Area Team President.

The Aglow U.S. Conference is just days away now, and anticipation is building. After receiving a phone call from Carol Torrence, South Central US Regional Director, Kimberly Wiant, Director, Human Resources & Operations relayed Carol’s excitement to the staff.
Kimmy writes,
“I just got off of the phone with Carol Torrance. After answering her questions, she started telling me about the excitement she has been seeing and hearing in her region about Aglow in general and the conference. She mentioned to me that she is in contact with people who haven’t been involved in Aglow in YEARS, but are getting excited all over again and are planning to come to conference. One lady in particular was so excited about conference and can’t wait. She said the fresh excitement for Aglow in her region is bubbling over. She wanted us all to know that our work here at the office makes a difference even when we may not see or hear about it often. She also sends us all her love and thanks us all for what we do.”
2018 is the right time to walk in the fullness of all that Jesus died to give us. Spokane, Washington, is the right place to experience that fullness.
Onsite registration begins Thursday, November 1st. Can’t make it in person? Register for the webcast which includes access to the Leader's Summit, Right Time Breakout Sessions, as well as all of the General Sessions with Jane Hansen Hoyt, Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, Lance Wallnau and Graham Cooke.
Visit TheRightTime2018 website for conference details, a conference blog after each session, and announcements.
See you there!

Recently, Victoria Blodgett, Regional Director of the New England Region, tried a creative idea to generate funds beyond the tithe to the General Fund at Headquarters.
- Aglow Palestine, TX Outreach
- In Loving Memory of Lee Krueger
- Monroe NC Aglow Anti-Human Trafficking Brunch & Learn
- Moving Into the New Mantling
- Minnesota Adopt-A-Cop Outreach
- Whatever your need, He wants to meet you there!
- GameChangers Achievement Celebration
- “We KNOW Jesus Now”
- 2017 Jubilee Conference Testimonies
- Hey, I'm better!
- Yuma Arizona Lighthouse Interview
- Aglow Woman Helps Deaf Evacuees During Hurricane Harvey