United States

Every Monday night the faithful Aglow Prison Ministry Team goes into the Oregon Coffee Creek Correctional Facility to minister to a group of inmates. Recently they received a letter from one of the women who attends the meetings.

In May the Aglow Matteson IL (Single Moms) Generations Group held their yearly Appreciation Fashion Show and Luncheon for Single Moms.
Read more: Single Moms Appreciation Fashion Show and Luncheon

Jeff Hilliard from Texas - This was my first trip with Aglow, but my second trip to Israel. What really stood out about this trip was the spiritual aspect.

Young people around the world have been impacted by GameChangers. Aglow leaders in Canada and Britain have led GameChangers processing groups with young adults, and now they are starting to lead processing groups for their peers. Each young person testifies to the life-changing results of understanding your identity in Christ.

On the National Day of Prayer, the San Francisco Peninsula Area Team did an outreach to several law enforcement stations bringing them food and messages of gratitude for their service to the community.
Read more: National Day of Prayer Outreach to Police Stations

“It has been an exciting season for Aglow in Southcentral Alaska,” writes Wendy Cleveland, Southcentral Alaska “Diamond” Area Team President.

On December 17th, 2016 the Monroe NC (AM) Community Lighthouse hosted a Christmas Breakfast for all the public safety workers at a local firehouse.
Jamie Lynn Martin shares her heart for Aglow:
I have personally been blessed by the Aglow family in many ways. It's incredible to know that people internationally are praying on my behalf. There is nothing like having people in your life that are encouraging and supporting you. Every person I have met in Aglow has showered me with love. Now that I am older, I have had the privilege of speaking at two different Aglow meetings. These opportunities blessed me tremendously because the Lord gave me the opportunity to share my testimony of His faithful love in my life.