United States

The Lawrence, MA Lighthouse reaches out to Spanish-speaking women and men meeting four times a year for a free breakfast. During the recent meeting, 33 women attended. Seven received salvation and twelve received Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

During the month of August, Christine Poitras, New England Regional Director, and her team joined their faith together to pray for America in Washington, DC. As they drove through each state, the team made declarations over the states.

Recently Fran Hallgren, a leader of Aglow Transformation teams, headed up a powerful team of seven into the remote Alaska villages of Stebbins, and St. Michael. While many might not feel the nudge to go, without the Transformation team, the children and women would never know how much Jesus loves them.

Patty Forkner, headed up a prayer team at the County Government Center. She said, “We arrived at our County Court House where our jail is located. We prepared to pray and worship the Lord with a holy boldness in public..."

Knowing that every place they put their feet on the ground was given to them by God, a brave team of 5 from the Northwest Region made a prayer trek to Washington, DC in July.

Coming from humble beginnings, Mary Williams is grateful to the Lord for His richness, the anointing, and the eternal things He has placed in her life through Aglow.

The Angleton, TX Lighthouse received its affiliation in May of 2020 – right in the middle of the world being shut down because of a pandemic. Yet, God has shown Himself strong in the midst of world chaos.
Shelly Breitzmann, sent in a very exciting update telling how their relationship with the Duluth Police Department is continuing to blossom.

At their regional event Darcy Schumacher gave a presentation called ‘Aglow in a Box’ or ‘Alabaster Box’. Her Area Team has planned to be prepared for this great harvest that is coming.

The Southfield, MI Community Lighthouse recently reopened with a bang! President, Valerie Johnson shared this story with us.

Dee Bopp, Area President of the South Missouri Area Team recently shared her testimony on Facebook. We asked her for permission to share it with you and she said, “Yes!”

The local Chick-Fil-A agreed to partner with the Matteson Generations Group for their Aglow Moms Back to School Event. The group put a box at the restaurant where members of the community can drop off school supplies.

The Sugar Land, TX Community Lighthouse began in 1995 and has been going strong for 27 years. At their last meeting, the group painted rocks with the intention of placing them around all 86 schools in Fort Bend County. When the rocks were sealed and ready to go out, the team gathered to go out and hide them.