United States
Meet beautiful Judith Luna. She is a Spirit-filled Christian who moved from Mexico to Wendover, Utah eight years ago and is an elementary school teacher. Last month the Wendover Aglow was invited to Nevada State Aglow's annual gathering with guest speaker, Kathy Sanders.

The County, CA Area Team tossed around ideas for an outreach within the boundaries of their Area. Rita Gorski recalled that when one of her granddaughters spent time in the hospital someone brought her a cozy blanket that comforted her.

After we received the minutes from the West Virginia Area Team, we asked them to expound on the activities of their Lighthouses and we wanted to share this information with you, too.

On August 31, 2023 the Springville Aglow Lighthouse Team went to a secluded area on Lake Erie near Snow’s Marina to paint the border of Western New York, praying and pouring oil into waters of Lake Erie that extends from Pennsylvania to Niagara Falls.

Recently John and Lydia McCroskey participated in a state prayer assignment as the South Texas Area Team put boots on the ground at the southern border of Texas.

Cathy Caylor tells of a powerful prayer assignment that the Brookville, PA Lighthouse recently completed to pray for schools, colleges, and government officials.

Ramona Weber, President of, the Des Moines, Iowa Community Lighthouse, spoke with someone at Headquarters and wanted to share some of the creative ideas her team is using to reach out into the community. We thought we should share her ideas with you.

The Central Southern Colorado Area Team, along with eight other Lighthouse members, gathered together to paint the borders of their state.

As we began to hear Dutch Sheets talk about 'painting the borders with the oil of Holy Spirit' people and groups began to rush to their borders, eager to participate in this vital strategy.
Sherry Anderson, Aglow Florida State Leader, holds Prophetic Boot Camp seminars hosted by the Area Teams in Florida as leadership training.

Glenda Rocca, California State Prayer Coordinator, sent in a report of what is taking place in California as the nation has been called by leaders in the Body of Christ to ‘paint the borders’ and to ‘Command the Foreword’.

Here is a picture of a prayer team, including our Florida and Georgia State Prayer Coordinators, who have been on-site in Jacksonville praying for our conference.

“It gives me great pleasure to share with you a recent assignment to advance on the HIGH PLACES of New Jersey to take back the territory for the Kingdom and Glory of God,” writes Elaine Santo, President of the Central South New Jersey Area Team.