United States

Recently, Nona Minyard, State Prayer Coordinator for Arkansas posted a picture of warm hats that she was knitting for the homeless in her hometown of Redfield and surrounding areas. When an Aglow staff member commented on them, Nona sent a box of 20 hats for us to distribute in Seattle.

Suzy Mellen serves on the California State Prison Team as the VP of Ministry Development. Suzy is living proof that whom the Son sets free is free indeed. (John 8:36)

Recently Kathy Redwing, Area President of Oregon Mid-Columbia, WA South, was on a weekend trip. The trip turned out much differently than she and her husband expected. Read on to find out how God watched over them each step of the way.

Recently, Marilyn Thiessens, President of Utah Area Team, sent in a story that shows how Layton, UT Lighthouse, the newest Lighthouse, joined with Tooele, UT Lighthouse, the oldest Lighthouse in Utah.

The Utah Area Team, led by President Marilyn Thiessens, has developed a place called Glory Givers for those who wish to give a testimony that glorifies God. Enjoy this testimony from Donna Kough.

Last year, the Monroe Lighthouse became aware that a certain group was planning a public meeting in the city park. A strategy was developed to begin covering the park in prayer and worship in hopes that the event was canceled or attendance would be low.

The Rose Parade, also known as the Tournament of Roses Parade, is an annual parade held in Pasadena, California every New Year’s Day. Barbara Pritchard, Transformations team leader, shared the following about this annual outreach held on January 1, 2023.

On December 12, 2022, the Torrance Community Lighthouse had an incredible event, a play, that celebrated the Glorious birth of Christ. The play was planned and written by Marianne Matsuda, LA County Area President. The outstanding cast were the officers and active members of Torrance Community Lighthouse.

The Chicago North Suburban Aglow Leaders met for the annual Christmas Party luncheon. Members of 7 Lighthouse Teams attended and enjoyed a delicious luncheon followed by fellowship.

Sharon Schumer writes, “When I first learned of Aglow and became a Covenant Partner in the early 80’s, I told myself I would always be a part of Aglow as long as their mission does not change. It has not…”

The 29 Palms Community Lighthouse collected and donated different items to Morongo Basin Unity Home, an organization which provides help for those who are victims of domestic violence.

Sherry Anderson, Aglow State Leader for Florida, had a very unique experience at the recent 2022 We Know Conference in St. Louis, MO. While it is a very personal experience, we thought you would be blessed, as well.

“Branson, Missouri Aglow is finishing up the study, LifeChangers,” writes a participant in the study. She continues, “All of us are sad. We will miss each other, and we will miss the intimacy of coming together each week to learn how God works in our daily lives.
- Expected God to Keep His Word
- New England DC Prayer Tour
- Alaska Transformation Trip
- Taking Authority in Our Sphere of Influence
- Standing on the Walls of America
- Grateful for Aglow
- God Called Us To Be Different
- Duluth PD Relationship Blossoming
- Aglow in a Box
- Reach Out and Invite a Friend
- Why I Love Aglow International
- Favor Upon Favor