United States

On February 19, 2022 the Monroe AM, North Carolina Lighthouse, represented by 7 Aglow women, joined with another local group, Love Life, and to pray at the Preferred Women’s Health Center in Charlotte, NC.

In February the Great Plains Rocky Mountain Region went to Washington, D.C. We encourage you to go with your region when they go into DC for a prayer journey. You will never be the same.

The Madison Aglow Lighthouse along with the ladies from the Fulton Recovery House for Women met at the home of Priscilla Weaver to make goody trays to distribute.

When Glenda Fleming’s plane touched down in Washington DC for the S/SE Regions prayer journey she heard the Lord say, “The eagles have landed.”

The state of Alabama held their yearly Leadership Training with the theme, “Get in position for the mission!” Women attended statewide, and enjoyed a delicious meal during the all-day event.

For Christmas, the Palestine, TX Community Lighthouse prepared a nice Christmas dinner and served the women currently living in the Battered Women’s Safe House in their county. Seven of those who attend the monthly Lighthouse meeting cleared the vetting process and were able to enjoy the meal and fellowship time.

As Cathy Caylor, Regional Director, prepared to go to Washington, D.C. for their annual prayer trip, she sensed the Lord calling them to be ‘Mountain Movers’. The scripture is found in Matthew 21:21-22 where Jesus said, “Listen to the truth. If you do not doubt God’s power and speak out of faith’s fullness, you can also speak to a tree and it will wither away...

Lisa Lynn, President of Greer, SC Community Lighthouse says that she and Kathy Hannah, VP of Financial Development find great satisfaction in serving the community as they both grew up in Greer. As Lisa says, “We thrive on giving back to our wonderful community.”

When the New Hampshire Area Team invited the Aglow family to view the recent Reset Webcast with them, they had a very interesting incident.

“In the midst of chaos and uncertainty, I have a good report. The good citizens of Minneapolis voted to keep funding the police. I was so grateful, I cried. Minneapolis was where all the trouble started last year.” writes Jean Priest.

Recently the 29 Palms Community Lighthouse in California collected toiletry items for those in need. Members of the group joined together to place the items in bags.

In 1986 Barbara Pritchett attended her first Aglow meeting when she was an inmate at a women’s prison in Hardwick, Georgia. Through Aglow the Lord radically transformed her life. Over the years Barbara has held many leadership positions in Aglow.

Tammy Hendrix, who wears three different hats in the South/Southeast Region, sent in a report following up on the hit to the Gulf Coast by Hurricane Ida. Here is her report:
- Hartford Aglow – Giant, Bold Step
- Matteson Generations Backpack Drive
- Pregnancy Center Outreach
- God Knows and He Gives Us a Thought
- A New Day is Dawning
- Chicago Aglow Blesses Police
- Aglow Phelan Clothing Pantry
- Westminster Aglow Reclaims The Land
- 29 Palms Lighthouse Celebrations
- Motorcycle Rally Outreach
- Human Trafficking: What can we do?
- Establishing Truth