United States

As Helen Joy Dupree, Pennsylvania State Prayer Coordinator works with children ages 3-12 in the Zip Code Club, she admits that her favorite time is the midweek fifteen-minute prayer call.

As Holy Spirit continued to unfold the direction for the Zip Code Club, Helen Joy set up 3 groups of 10 millennials and began a text with them. Soon they moved to a Zoom call.

Amber Alcoser serves as the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator in the Central Region states of Colorado and Kansas. Here are some worthwhile tips from Amber:

Last summer, Helen Joy Duperree, State Prayer Coordinator of Pennsylvania, was scrolling through Facebook when she came across a post of a lady talking about how she was organizing prayer for the next generation. Helen Joy said, “I felt the fire of God on her words.”

In response to the A-Company Team Rewards Challenge, Carol O’Brion asked Karan Reed, to encourage those attending their monthly meeting to join A-Company. Karan did an excellent job in explaining what A-Company is, how important it is to come alongside of our Headquarters office, and what a difference it will make as more and more people join.

The Pottstown, PA Community Lighthouse was contacted earlier this year by Pastor Joel Kolb who extended an invitation to partner with Spring City Fellowship to introduce Aglow to Spring City.

In a recent phone conversation with Lora Blair of Danville, VA, she reported that the park visits to watch the young people play basketball continue 5 years later.

In April the Great Plains Rocky Mountain Region Aglow DC Team went on their DC prayer journey.

In spite of bad weather, and many other difficulties our Texas speakers arrive safely and the South Missouri Spring Conference The Anchor Holds in Branson, MO commenced.

Carolina Barrutia-Leon, President of the Lawrence, MA Spanish Lighthouse sent in a testimony of God’s Goodness and Faithfulness to draw in women needing a touch from Him.

“I can remember going to Kiowa, CO for the National Day of Prayer 10 or 15 years ago. We were excited if we had a dozen people there. But this year over 100 people showed to up to pray for our nation,” writes Nancy Wiswell, VP of Financial Development on the CO South Central Area Team.

The Colorado Area Team met under the flag in Veterans Park in Yuma, Colorado for the 2024 National Day of Prayer.

A group including the North Idaho Area Team traveled from Post Falls to Boise Idaho for a Don’t Mess With Our Kids gathering that was being held in all 50 states on April 13th.