We are all aware of the spiritual battle raging over the nations of the world - look at Afghanistan! The news and pictures sicken us, especially as we consider and pray for the vibrant underground church that is growing rapidly there.
The ancient question remains, Who is going to rule? God or the devil? Our answer is God!
Recently I spoke at the South Central, USA Regional Aglow event in Austin, TX. At the event, the Regional Director, Carol Torrance, showed a teaching from Tim Sheets, brother of Dutch Sheets, entitled Overthrowing Thrones of Iniquity.

You have always been faithful to rise up and give abundantly when asked.Each gift matters. Those gifts not only help sustain Aglow, those gifts are used to expand the work that was birthed so long ago by His Spirit. Our lives are richer because of that ‘shot heard around the world.’ And, the world is richer because Aglow is making place for that continual, fresh outpouring of His Spirit in over 170 nations of the world.
I extend to you the opportunity to sow into the future of Aglow. As 2021 draws to a close and 2022 opens before us, I ask you to plant a financial seed of faith into this year-end planting opportunity. Time is short. The harvest is plentiful and we must be funded to go where He leads us.
I was recently invited to speak to the European Leader’s Summit by the European Regional Committee. What unfolded is a message I believe we have all been waiting to hear. I want to invite you to settle in and hear this futuristic message, anointed by Holy Spirit for the Aglow ministry around the world. What we do, what we bring into the midst of today’s crises is a gamechanger. Aglow is an Eternal Ministry, impacting eternity.

One of the thoughts that came to my mind this morning was from Genesis. God was speaking to Abraham and making such incredible promises to this man who had not even known God! God was saying to Abraham, “I am going to bring forth nations from you.” Can you imagine? Don’t you think Abraham might have said, “Excuse me, what did you just say!” He didn’t expect any of this, but God had a plan that was coming forth in the earth and he uses individuals to make that plan come to fruition. So hence, He’s speaking to Abraham and He’s saying, “It’s going to be nations from you."

Today I received notice from the Israel Allies Foundation about an amazing honor bestowed upon me and upon Aglow.
To all those who have sacrificed to travel to Israel to show support for over 20 years for the people and the land, God saw each trip and heard each prayer. Our stand with the nation of Israel and the Jewish people is immoveable.

Several weeks ago, David Demian invited me to be part of an Isaiah 19 intercessory group. So, for the last few weeks I have been joining a wide group of leaders from around the world on a Zoom call that is led by Asher Intrater and David Demian.
The focus of the call is establishing relationship among leaders in the Body of Christ regarding Isaiah 19:18-25 and praying those scriptures into being.

Warm greetings to each of you.
As you are aware, a couple of weeks ago, we made the difficult decision to cancel the venue in North Carolina because the Governor has allowed no more than 10 people to meet in the ballroom.
Since that time, we have explored meeting in an alternate location. And, we have held off making any announcements because the restrictions in each state seem to change weekly.

Greetings to all!
As I have watched the news and hear the growing distress the world is experiencing, my heart continually turns to God.
I am aware that many are experiencing health issues…and the Lord spoke this scripture so strongly to my heart last evening.
But unto you who revere and worshipfully fear My Name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings. Mal 4:2a
There is something strong in the atmosphere that needs to be confronted and broken.
For that reason, I feel we should take the remaining days of July to fast, in whatever fashion God would speak to you. It can be a partial fast - one meal a day, or one particular food, an activity, a negative mindset, a place of unbelief, fear, anxiety, or any negative lie against all that Jesus Christ purchased for us on The Cross.

In the past two months, we have been blessed and amazed at how Aglow groups have realized that normal tithes and offerings have been affected by the global lockdown and purposed to send in funds.
Our hearts have been touched by the personal comments and prayers, and the love and care the Aglow family is displaying.