Due to the coronavirus epidemic, the news is strongly telling us to “Shelter in place!” Leaders are trying to find ways to control the further outbreak of this insidious virus. It seems, that in a short amount of time a strong storm has hit our shores.

Over the years, fundraising for Aglow International has been a regular part of running this ministry. Recently, with the Coronavirus outbreak "regular and normal" have given room for change and the opportunity to press into a new reality.

Stand Strong
In this midst of the coronavirus outbreak, I want to encourage you to stand strong in faith that God has your protection and your family's protection covered. Jesus completed it all on the cross!
Recently my attention was drawn to a small box that has been sitting on my desk for several months. It was a thoughtful gift given to me by Ezra Eini, a longtime friend in Israel. Ezra has been our main tour guide these many years that Aglow has traveled the Holy Land.
As I reflect and meditate on what God has been saying to us in Aglow, I am struck with the clarity and power God has been speaking to us about the importance of His Presence.
At our 2019 Jerusalem Convocation in September, I shared that one of our IBOD members had recently asked me what I wanted in Aglow and I replied, "His Presence." And again, in a letter to you earlier this month I said, "Without God in our personal lives and in our meetings, we really have nothing."
Recently, I was reading a scripture in one of my favorite books by Dr. A.W. Tozer, and it said:
My soul followeth hard after Thee. Thy right hand upholdeth me. ~Psalm 63:8 KJV
Tozer went on to say, The impulse to pursue God originates with God, but the outworking of that impulse is our following hard after Him. God is always previous.

Jerusalem Convocation Wrap-Up From Jane
A few nights ago I was awakened in the darkened, wee hours of the morning with this empowering thought…
Have great expectation! There is something God wants to do that will bring huge breakthroughs, in a mixture of areas, in a multitude of lives all around you.
I immediately grabbed pen and paper to write down what I was hearing, so as not to lose the timeliness and exactness of His words.

Since our 50th Anniversary gathering in 2017, God has spoken to us in powerful ways, confirming a bright future. As I consider His promises to us, I want to remind you of a very powerful word that was spoken through Dutch Sheets at our 2018 U.S. National Conference about the hovering of the Holy Spirit.
Dutch said:
“This ministry is about to come into a greater anointing to birth. To give birth to the purposes of God in the earth.”
“The Holy Spirit is going to come and hover with His glory around you. He is going to hover, He is going to overshadow you, He is going to envelop you. He will plant the seed of the Son of God in you.”
“Luke 1:37 says, ‘For no word spoken by God is without power.’ I am saying to you what the angel said in Luke, ‘Holy Spirit is empowering those words and putting life in them and they will bring forth.’”
“The seed of My Word has life in it and when My Words are sown, they have the ability to reproduce. When My Word goes forth, Holy Spirit hovers around or releases His power with My Word and the two come together and now they are not just words they are life-words that begin to spring up and reproduce.”

His Word Will Not Fail
In the New Testament, God says, "My word is a seed." You are born again of incorruptible seed. Dutch explained that 'seed' is the word sperma. God is saying, "The seed of My Word has life in it and when My Words are sown, they have the ability to reproduce. When My Word goes forth, Holy Spirit hovers around or releases His power with My Word and the two come together and now, they are not just words, they are life-words that begin to spring up and reproduce." What a powerful, incredible truth!

Recently, Laurie Lischke and I wrote to you about our annual campaign to participate in A-Company. Read the full letter. This is about more than a sustained giving program, this is about fulfilling the word Dutch Sheets gave us at our 2018 U.S. National Conference: This is a year of birthing and Aglow has come into a greater anointing to deliver the purposes of God in the earth.