Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. I love the lights, the sounds, and the atmosphere that surrounds this holy time. It is a time to reflect upon the events of the year, to look forward with expectations of the New Year, and to celebrate the birth of Jesus.
It is a time to remember the proclamations made by a heavenly host long ago, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." I find myself declaring similar thoughts as this year draws to a close and a new administration is set in place in the United States.
This year has provided opportunities for us to call down peace in many nations of the world. It has been a year filled with increasing war by the radical arm of Islam. Praying for peace is an urgent priority. Peace in places where there is strife. Peace to quiet the strident voices of those who seek justice, but by their actions bring chaos and destruction. Peace where brokenness and hurt reigns. Peace where self-righteousness always seeks “to be right." Peace where man exalts his way over God's way.
Recently I felt drawn to a word on the Elijah List from Doug Addison. As I read, I felt that I must share portions of this word with you. We are the Army of Aglow who has been growing in our intercessory role in the earth for nearly 50 years. I want to encourage you to stand firm in your nations in the midst of end time crises.
Positioned throughout the nations of the world, we recognize the birth pangs that are coming with increased intensity. We see the signs that point us to the Lord’s return. We know that war is in the atmosphere and we know that we have been mantled with Kingdom authority to stand as His people in the earth.
Doug’s word opens by alerting us that we can expect things to pick up at an accelerated pace in September. Knowing this will enable us to stay fresh and current as we lead the way. He said, “God will be making some major alignments and reassignments. The purpose for this is to fill in areas where some Christians have fallen asleep at their posts."
A few weeks ago, I was awakened two separate mornings at exactly the same time…3:11 a.m.!
The first morning, as I was wakened out of a deep sleep, I was immediately aware of the Presence of the Holy Spirit. My first response was to wait quietly, then to worship. As I worshiped, I began to express my love, my appreciation, and my need of Him. I felt a deep sense of peace.
Two mornings later I was awakened again. Out of habit, I touched my cell phone to check the time. You can imagine my surprise when it registered 3:11 a.m. again!
As I asked the Lord what this was about, I felt nudged to look up the meaning of the number 11. The number 11 speaks of disorder and signifies, “the last hour.”
A chill ran through my body, as I considered what the Holy Spirit wanted to say to me and through me. Generally, I always want to encourage others. Yet, I could not mistake what happened.
We are at a momentous yet sobering time in history. From my vantage point in AGLOW I see alignment on many issues, both in heaven and on earth, most particularly about our great friend, Israel.
I first want to announce a timely and important alignment on behalf of Israel: the founding of American Christian Leaders for Israel (ACLI). Sandy Wezowicz, our Israel Education Director and I are privileged to be among the founding members representing 15 Christian organizations. AGLOW is partnering with National Religious Broadcasters, International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, The Christian Broadcasting Network and Family Research Council to name a few.
Our mission is to speak to the American public in a unified voice of truth on behalf of tens of millions of American Christians that we collectively represent. Our message: support Israel and the Jewish people, not only in prayer but in practical efforts.
For example, in March a letter drafted by ACLI and signed by 100 ministry, church and business leaders was sent to President Obama and the leaders of both the House and Senate expressing concerns about negotiations with Iran and asking them to stand with Israel.
It is an extraordinary time to be alive!
It is a time of increased turmoil and spiritual warfare.
It is a time when darkness is becoming darker.
Yet, the promise remains that the light and the glory of heaven will increase and overtake the darkness.
The Invisible War
As we continue to see the rebellious spirit of Anti-Christ arise in the earth, I think of a statement that I read years ago in The Invisible War by Donald Grey Barnhouse.
War has been declared. The great governing cherub had become the malignant enemy. God was neither surprised nor astonished, for He had His perfect plan ready to put into effect. While He had the power to destroy Satan with a breath, He did not do so.....
God neither will, nor can, yield. There must be the unconditional surrender to Him of His universe. Satan can never, under any circumstances, frustrate the grace of God. What God has promised He will perform!
Darkness would come in like a flood, but the promise spoken through the prophet Isaiah remains.
When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. Isaiah 59:19
Once again we have turned the calendar page over and see a brand new year stretching out before us. Each year brings fresh opportunities and fresh challenges. I’m sharing my heart with you in this letter because I see both as we move into 2015.
As I do prior to each New Year, I spent time with the Lord listening and pondering what might be ahead for us, individually and corporately. Let me share with you some of the insights the Lord gave me for this year, and some of the challenges you and I have an opportunity to meet.
2015…The number 15 means “REST”
In the Bible, we often see that rest comes as a result of deliverance and salvation. We see three specific times when the Israelites were told to rest. They were instructed to “rest from their work” at Passover (Lev. 23:6-7), and at the Feast of Tabernacles (Lev. 23:33-35). But in the Book of Esther, we see another kind of rest: They were given “rest from their enemies” (Purim, Esther 9:22). In addition to rest, they also had their sorrow turned into joy.
Today we live in a key time and place. God has raised us up, as individuals and as a ministry, “for such a time as this.” He is calling us to step into our destiny, knowing we are cloaked in the King’s favor. Just as Esther and her people, the Jews, had enemies who were determined to hinder, harm, and thwart God’s plan—so we, as Aglow International, also have enemies who seek to deter us.