As you receive this letter, we have just completed our annual pilgrimage to Israel and the U.S. Embassy has been relocated from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The world is watching this historical and prophetic event as it unfolds. I can only imagine how Heaven rejoices in the acknowledgment that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel. Heaven established it from the beginning and now, the world has either chosen to align and support this reality or to stand in opposition.

When strong words regarding the intentions of God impact the earth, as they did in Richmond at the 50th-anniversary celebration, we are given the choice of responding. Our responses can vary depending on where we are in our walk with the Lord. Do not say that you have no strength. This is a time to press in and receive all that God is conceiving in you and through you. We, corporately, have moved into a new place.

Warm greetings to you! I trust that you are enjoying the Presence of the Lord in increasing ways. It is His Presence that defines us and His Presence from which all our activities must flow.
After our conference in Richmond, and the confirming words spoken regarding Aglow, my heart felt stirred to bring together the leadership of all the “moving pieces” of the ministry to seek the Lord. I felt that we needed to pray together and confer with one another to see which pieces of our history will move forward with us into this new era. Therefore, I asked the leadership to gather in Seattle for a Roundtable Meeting.

As Graham Cooke closed out his message in Richmond, VA with a prophetic word for us, he referred to me as the keeper of the prophetic keys. It is from the prophetic keys surrounding finances that I want to speak to you from in this letter.
We know that identity is the key to transformation.
- Resources come because of identity.
- Promises are realized because of identity.
- Your needs are met because of identity.
- Your inheritance is granted because of identity.

In my January letter, I sent a link for, Healing in His Glory, a song sung by Lindell Cooley during the Brownsville revival. I have continued to listen to this song as I drive, as I’m in my quiet time, and as I’m in the office. I hope you find it as life-giving as I do. There is healing in His Glory.
After Chuck Pierce spoke in Richmond, VA, he commented to me that he would like to spend time together. Picking up on his comment, I invited him to Headquarters where he spent a recent Monday morning with us. I feel that you will be interested in hearing the things that were spoken.

Welcome to a new year of exploration! Who will God be for us this year? This will be a year marked by first fruits as each day presents opportunities for new beginnings. He has made all things new!
The Field Is Ours
In reading about Ruth, my attention was drawn to the very specific steps that she took in moving from gleaning in the field to owning the field. First, she washed her face. Next, she changed her dress. Then she went to the fields.
God has led Aglow in very specific steps in the past 50 years, and He is leading us purposely as we begin our next 50 years.
For that reason, I am asking that as make decisions this year, make them out of the new place rather than the way decisions have always been made. There is a new way of engagement. Spend more time in worship. Spend more time listening for Holy Spirit. A new cadence is sounding in Heaven and with it new assignments and missions are being released. Some are distinctively related to gates of nations. Some are for gates in cities. We are aligning with the new that is being released, for the winter has passed and springtime has come! Expect to do things differently!
I often think of the passage of scripture in Luke 1 where Gabriel appeared in Nazareth to Mary. “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!” Scripture goes on to say that Mary was troubled at Gabriel’s words and wondered what manner of greeting it was.
I can say that as the Lord began to speak through our conference speakers, I found myself in a similar place wondering how could this favor be? This re-mantling, this recommissioning, this declaration of being sent to the world afresh as a leading voice in the coming Third Great Awakening? I simply say yes.
I would encourage you, as you read this letter, to let the Holy Spirit impart into your spirit, the fresh fire He is pouring out. Aglow has moved into a new place, into a fresh stance before the Lord. Like Mary, we have conceived new life and we are expectant to all that God will be doing in this ministry in the days ahead.
Truly, we are living in an appointed time, and we are an appointed people, to prepare the world for the coming Messiah. It is a time when as God’s people, we must see and hear unfolding world issues from heaven's perspective.
Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever. – Psalm 125:1-2 ESV
Today, December 28, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry gave a speech, following the U.S. abstention in the recent UN Security Council vote.
He failed to mention the repeated offers from Israel to negotiate a peace agreement that would work to create a Palestinian state on the West Bank/ Gaza, as well as settle the issue regarding settlements.
To fail to mention these important points is to demonstrate the bias of the current administration.
Sandy Wezowicz, Israel Education and Awareness Director, has put together a very succinct timeline that clearly illustrates the repeated offers from the Israeli government to reach a peaceful agreement with the Palestinians.
1947 - The UN General Assembly passed Resolution 181 which created 2 states, one Jewish and one Arab. The Jews accepted the decision, but the Arabs turned it down.